

Is an electronic device that provides the bank’s customers with conducting financial transactions in public places without any assistance, it is a substitute for the employees. It facilitates the customer to enter the card and perform calculations in a safe and [d1] fast manner.

Visa Card

The bank payment card provided by Al Qurtas Islamic Bank is known as ( visa card ) which is a plastic card with equipped with the electronic chip ( smart chip ) technology and the personal identification number also known as PIN, which gives its users more security in electronic payments operations.

Mobile Banking

Alqurtas Bank provides the best and most secure mobile banking services for its customers. Through which customers have the ability to conduct financial transactions remotely using a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet. Alqurtas Bank uses its trusted application that can be downloaded from well-known online marketplaces. The bank gives its customers the most reliable service that is available on a 24-hour basis.
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